In grote getale waren de leden van Fit afgereisd naar Doorn. Op zaterdag de jeugdleden en de deelnemers aan de runs over 7 en de 9 km. Op zondag de deelnemers aan de runs over 12 en 18 km.
Jurgen Verlinden werd tweede op de 7 km en Eva van den Berg derde op de 9 km!
14-11-2014 Tough mudder sydney
Location: southern highlands (wingello)
By tim ruinemans
Hey mates, hows it going up there… the survival season is already going on and i am missing your reports on the website….. Here’s mine from down under. If you are to lazy or you cant read english, scroll down to the dutch version. Any comments after are welcome and appreciated.
To keep my level off fitness up, i picked a couple of sport events for me to complete. I already was known by the famous tough mudder events around the world for a couple of years because i checked a lot of the youtube vid’s and so. When i came to sydney the first week i checked the dates for events and they where really close. A late entry ticket was already $230,- dollar. I found a seller on gumtree for a ticket on Saturday 14-11-2014 And planned my way to this event. We quickly made a deal and the voucher was fast in my mailbox. Now i had to train and prepare for it. That was not a problem at all. In Bathust i did some great workout routines with Campbell and run up the v8 race track mount panorama. Also in Coogee and Bondi some sick workouts with lots off stairs to run up and down. If you follow me on strava, you now.#tim imotp (meer…)
Ook in Neede waren weer leden van onze survivalgroep succesvol. Jonna van de Berg werd tweede bij de jeugd en haar zus Eva viel net buiten het podium en werd vierde.
Bij de dames BSC werd Helga tweede 😛